
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Close-up photos of Spencer Tunick nude photo shoot leaked online Photos enabling identification of volunteers at Dead Sea shoot appear to be taken by an official project photographer, who denies responsibility for the leak.

Close-up photos of Spencer Tunick nude photo shoot leaked online
Photos enabling identification of volunteers at Dead Sea shoot appear to be taken by an official project photographer, who denies responsibility for the leak.

Close-up pictures from a massive nude photo shoot orchestrated by celebrated artist Spencer Tunick have reportedly leaked online in recent days, in what shoot organizers claim was done against their wishes.

In September, 1,200 male and female volunteers participated in the mass nude photograph at the Dead Sea, including men and women ranging from 20 years old to somewhere in their sixties.
Spencer Tunick, Dead Sea    

Israeli volunteers modeling for a Spencer Tunick photo at the Dead Sea on September 17, 2011.
Photo by: Emil Salman

They set out for the Dead Sea before dawn and modeled in three different arrangements: one in the sea, one on land and one 'modest' shot where they were covered in the famous Dead Sea mud.

However, the Flickr picture-sharing website held a few photographs, which seem to have been taken by photographer Casey Kelbaugh, and which clearly depict volunteers from close up, in a way that would enable their identity to be disclosed.

In addition, a 6-minute YouTube clip was uploaded, which included close-up shots of participants.

Volunteers who had discovered the breach were outraged, with one of them, Adi, 30, from Ramat Gan, saying that he "discovered it through the internet and was very surprised."

"My expectation was that if anything was leaked if would be the work of peeping toms," Adi said, expressing dismay that the photos that made it online seemed to be taken by an official photographer participating in the Tunick project.

Kelbaugh, however, denies the claims he had leaked the photos, saying that he had no idea how the photos made it online, and was working himself to take them off.

Read this article in Hebrew: תקריבים מהמיצג של טוניק דלפו לרשת

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