
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Professor Has His Students Pose Nude With Him And Calls It "Art" - Michigan State University professor Danny Guthrie has been photographing himself with students, some who are nude, for over 40 years and calls it "art."

Professor Has His Students Pose Nude With Him And Calls It "Art"
Filed under: Icky Icky Poo > Wacky, Tacky & True


Totally creepy!

Michigan State University professor Danny Guthrie has been photographing himself with students, some who are nude, for over 40 years and calls it "art."

Kinda weird, right?

His pictures (like the one above) have been under scrutiny recently, with some calling them "obscene" and oppressive to women.

He responded with this statement:

    "Certainly subject matter such as this is politically charged…My intent is to acknowledge these various traditions and debates, twisting and blurring the codes of classical aesthetics, contemporary rhetorically motivated art, and even erotica.

    The images do not mean I have this or that fantasy about a particular individual or situation, but they do explore emotions that I – and I assume most others – have felt."

    As one ages, it is with no small sense of remorse and regret, that one comes to experience the realm of desire, romance, and carnality as existing more in the past than the future."

Some of the students who have volunteered to pose with him have actually stepped up and defended him and the images.

Sure, of course, anything can be called art, but the fact that he's sometimes nude and his students are sometimes nude (and also, waaay younger than him) just seems a little yucky to us.

What do U think? Are his pictures pornographic/exploitative? Or just simply art?

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