
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kristen Wiig is Nearly Nude as ‘GQ’’s ‘Bro of the Year’

Kristen Wiig is Nearly Nude as 'GQ''s 'Bro of the Year'

kristen wiig article Kristen Wiig is Nearly Nude as 'GQ''s 'Bro of the Year'

Kristen Wiig

Kristen Wiig has been named GQ's "Bro of the Year," and if that lead photo of her on the Web site–along with the honor it accompanies–is at least as strange as it is hot, then it's no less becoming for that. She's a comedian, after all, and what good is a hot comedian if she's not funny first. (And no, I don't mean to say comedienne, because that's just stupid; and anyway, if I can't use gender-neutral language in this story, then where the hell can I?)

But there's plenty of Wiiged-out hotness inside the magazine, or on this  video to come out of the photo shoot. I wonder where that one guy is—you know, from a couple years ago, the one who made the video gone viral of him doing Wiig's Sue character, and doing it, for some reason, with his shirt off. When a reporter at the time asked Wiig's publicist for a comment on the comically creepy video, the publicist came back saying, simply, that Wiig does not respond to such things. Watch the clip, and imagine how Wiig must have felt watching it. It's not a pleasant feeling.

Any proper award needs a citation, and Jon Hamm gets to do the honors here. He remembers the very first time he thought to himself, "My God, this girl is funny." It happened when he watched her on SNL come out stone-serious with the line "I'm a bitch in the boardroom, a bore in the bedroom, and I'm a bear on the toilet."

Jon Hamm and Sue-without-a-Shirt Guy: they've each got their own idea of hot, and they've each got their own idea of funny. Who's to say which one is wrong, or if either of them is? Kristen Wiig can accommodate the both of them. She's got that kind of range, and she's got that kind of everything-else.

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