Snooki Reveals Boob Job Fantasy: "I Love Jenni's Boobs!"
We can think of several reasons why Snooki shouldn't get a boob job. Among them: the Jersey Shore is 4-foot-nothing, and may fall forward, never to come up again. That's not a fun Snooki.
But gravity is not the main deterrent for Snooks, who tells Access Hollywood that she "want[s] to get a boob job because I love Jenni's boobs!" Okay, we're also fans of Jenni's general aesthetic. We're even considering dressing up like her for Halloween. So what are Snooki's real reasons for not going under the knife?
"I'm scared because if I go under anesthesia, I'm scared I'm going to be awake the whole time," she says. This is actually a valid concern. We've seen how much alcohol this little meatball can handle, and let's just say she could drink Lindsay Lohan under the table. And that's before she gets home.
As we give Snooki time to think this over, we're happy to hear she already has a DIY approach to getting Jenni-size proportions: "I encourage women to wear two bras, to make it look like you have fake boobies if you're scared to get surgery or don't want to," she says. Who wouldn't call this girl a role model?
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